ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Cessair is like a story that people in Ireland tell about a long time ago. It's kind of like a legend or a myth.

According to the story, there was a group of people called the Partholons that lived in Ireland a long time ago. But they all died from a sickness, so the island was empty for a while.

Then another group of people called the Nemedians came to Ireland, but they had a lot of problems with raids and fighting. So they had to leave too.

Finally, a group of people called Cessair and her followers came to Ireland. They were looking for a new place to live after a big flood happened where they used to live. Cessair was a wise woman who knew a lot of things, so people looked up to her as a leader.

Cessair and her people stayed in Ireland for a while, but they didn't stay very long. They ended up leaving and going to another place.

So basically, Cessair is a character in a story that people in Ireland tell to explain how different groups of people came to live on the island a long time ago. It's a way for them to remember and pass down their history and culture to future generations.