ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Cetus is like a really big fish that lives in the sky. It is actually a constellation, which is a group of stars that look like a certain shape or picture when you connect them with imaginary lines.

The name Cetus comes from a Greek word that means sea monster because it looks like a big, scary sea monster from ancient stories. However, nowadays we usually just call it a whale because it looks more like a whale than a monster.

To see Cetus, you need to look up at the night sky when there are no clouds in the way. You might want to ask an adult to help you find it. It is best seen in the winter months in the Northern Hemisphere, but in the summer months in the Southern Hemisphere.

Cetus is made up of many different stars, but the brightest one is called Diphda. It is so bright that you might be able to see it without a telescope. Other stars in Cetus are less bright and are harder to see, but they are still important in making up the shape of the constellation.

People have been studying and naming constellations for a very long time, like when your parents or grandparents were little kids! They even have stories about each one that help them remember what they look like. So next time you look up at the sky at night, try to find Cetus and imagine yourself swimming through the stars like a big whale!
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