ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cetus (Chinese astronomy)

Cetus is a big fish constellation that people in China look up and see in the sky. It's like a special group of stars that looks like a fish that swims around in the sky.

Back when people didn't have phones or computers, they used to study the stars and constellations to help them understand things like seasons, weather, and time. People in China used Cetus to help them predict when it was time to do things like plant crops or go fishing.

The stars in Cetus are really far away from us here on Earth, much farther than even the tallest mountain. But when we look up at the night sky, we can see them twinkling. Some people even use telescopes to get a better look at these stars, but they still look really far away and small.

So, in short, Cetus is a big fish group of stars in the sky that people in China use to help them know when it's time to do special things.