ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Chain of being

The chain of being is a special idea that people from a long time ago had. They believed that everything in the world had a special order from best to worst. They thought that everything fit into this order like how blocks fit into a tower.

At the top of the chain of being were things that people thought were the best like God, angels, and kings. These things were very special and had a lot of power. People thought they were really important and that they could control things that were lower on the chain.

In the middle of the chain were people like soldiers, farmers, and animals. People thought they were important too, but not as important as the things at the top. Some animals, like horses and dogs, were thought to be better than others because they helped people more.

At the bottom of the chain were things that people thought weren't very important or didn't have much power. These things included bugs, rocks, and dirt. People didn't think they were very special or important.

People believed in the chain of being because they thought it helped them understand the world. They thought that everything had a special place and that they could tell what was important and what wasn't. However, over time people realized that not everyone agreed with the chain of being and that it might not be as important as they once thought.