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Chaldean Catholic Church

The Chaldean Catholic Church is a group of people who follow a certain way of practicing Christianity. They believe in Jesus Christ and the teachings of the Bible, but their way of worship is a little different than other Christian groups.

The Chaldean Church is named after an ancient region called Chaldea, which is now known as Iraq. So this church is mostly made up of people from Iraq or who have ancestry from Iraq.

The Chaldean Catholic Church is similar to other Catholic churches, but they use a different language in their religious services. They use a language called Syriac, which is an ancient language that was common in the Middle East many years ago. This language is important to them because it was the language that Jesus and his disciples spoke.

Another thing that makes the Chaldean Catholic Church unique is that they have their own priests and bishops who are in charge of their religious practices. They answer to a leader called the Patriarch, who is like the head of the church.

Overall, the Chaldean Catholic Church is a group of people who follow Christianity in their own special way, using a unique language and traditions passed down through generations from their ancestors in Iraq.