ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Champernowne constant

Okay, so imagine you have a number. Let's call it the Champernowne constant. This number is really special because it has all the digits you can think of - 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 - and they just keep going on and on, like an endless train of numbers.

So, what does this mean? Basically, the Champernowne constant starts with 0. Then it has a 1. Then it has a 2. Then it has a 3. And so on, all the way to infinity. And because every number is in there, it will never repeat any of the numbers it has used before, like a pattern.

This special number is named after a guy named D. G. Champernowne, who first wrote about it in the 1930s. And while it might seem like a random number, it turns out that it has some really interesting properties and can be used in all sorts of math problems.

So, there you have it - the Champernowne constant is like an endless train of numbers that has every digit you can think of!