ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Channel (programming)

Alright kiddo, so imagine you're playing with some building blocks, but you don't have enough hands to hold all of them at once. So you ask a friend to help you out and pass you the blocks one at a time.

In programming, we have something called a "channel" that works kind of like your friend passing you blocks. It's a way for different parts of a program to talk to each other without getting in each other's way.

Let's say you have a program that needs to do two things at once: print out a message on the screen, and download a file from the internet. Without a channel, these two tasks might end up fighting for the same resources (like your hands fighting over the building blocks).

But if we use a channel, we can have one part of the program handle printing the message, and another part handle downloading the file. The channel connects these two parts and allows them to send messages back and forth, making sure they don't mess with each other's work.

So in short, a channel in programming is like a special friend that helps different parts of a program communicate and work together without causing any problems.