Okay kiddo, imagine you have a big box with a bunch of different toys inside. Each toy is unique, so they need to be put in different sections of the box so you can find them easily. This is kind of like a channel.
Now, let's say you divide the toys into different categories based on how they work. The toys that you wind up and they move on their own can go into a section called "wind-up toys," and the toys that you have to use your hands to make move can go into a section called "manual toys." These sections are examples of different channel types.
In real life, channels are used to organize information and messages. They make it easier for people to find what they need and communicate effectively. Some common types of channels are email, text messages, phone calls, and social media.
So just like you use different sections in your toy box to help you find what you're looking for, people use different channel types to help them communicate better in different situations.