ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Stream gradient

Stream gradient is like a slide at a playground. When you go down a slide, you start at the top and the ground gets farther away from you as you slide down. The same thing happens with a stream, except instead of sliding down, the water flows down the slope of the land.

When we talk about stream gradient, we mean how steep or gentle (not too steep) the slope of the land is that the stream is flowing on. The steeper the slope, the faster the water flows, just like you go faster down a steep slide. The flatter the slope, the slower the water flows, like going down a gentle slide.

Stream gradient is important because it affects how the stream looks and behaves. A steep gradient means the water will be moving fast and the stream will look more like a narrow, rocky stream with rapids or waterfalls. A gentle gradient means the water will be moving slower and the stream will be wider and have more pools and bends.

Stream gradient is also important for animals and plants that live in or near the stream. Different animals and plants prefer different gradients. Some animals, like trout, need a certain amount of flow to survive, while others like turtles or frogs prefer slower, calmer water. Some plants, like cattails or reeds, need water that moves slowly, while others like willows or cottonwoods can handle faster water.

So, stream gradient is like a giant slide for water, and it affects how the stream looks and behaves as well as the animals and plants that live there.