ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Charles Pasley

Charles Pasley was a man who lived a long time ago and he did a lot of important things. He was born in 1780 in Scotland, which is a country far away from where you live.

One of the things that Charles Pasley did was work for the army. He was really good at building things, so he helped the army build things that they needed like forts and bridges. He also helped them make guns, which are things that shoot bullets.

Charles Pasley thought it was important for people to learn how to do things like build bridges and forts. So, he wrote books about how to do these things. His books were really popular and helped lots of people learn new things.

When he wasn't working for the army or writing books, Charles Pasley liked to explore. He went to places that nobody else had ever been to before and he wrote down everything he saw. This was really important because it helped other people learn about these new places too.

Overall, Charles Pasley was a very smart man who did a lot of important things to help the army and teach others new things.