Okay kiddo, so Charles Rigault de Genouilly was a man who lived a long time ago. He was born in France in 1807 and he did some really cool things when he was alive.
One of the most important things he did was lead a group of soldiers in battles in different countries. He was really good at leading his soldiers, so good that he was eventually given a very important job in the French army.
Later in life, Charles helped France fight in a big war where they were fighting another big country called China. He was really important in that war because he helped the French win some big battles.
But even before that, Charles had done some important things. He fought in wars in different countries like Greece and Algeria. He was actually shot in the leg one time during a battle, but he was so brave that he didn't let that stop him from fighting for his country.
Charles was a very brave man, and he did a lot of things for his country and for other countries too. He died a long time ago, in 1873. But we still remember him today for all the important things he did during his life.