ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Charles Rivière-Hérard

Okay, so let's talk about Charles Rivière-Hérard. He was a man who lived a long time ago in a place called Haiti. Haiti is an island in the Caribbean Sea. Charles was born there in the year 1789.

Now, back then, there were some very important people who were in charge of Haiti. They were called "colonizers", and they came from a country called France. These colonizers had taken over Haiti and made the people who lived there work really hard for them. They weren't very nice to the Haitians, and many of the Haitians didn't like them very much.

As Charles grew up, he saw how hard the colonizers were making life for the Haitians. He didn't like it either. He became friends with another man named Jean Jacques Dessalines. Jean Jacques wanted the Haitian people to be free from the colonizers, and Charles felt the same way.

So, Charles and Jean Jacques decided to lead a rebellion against the colonizers. They wanted the people of Haiti to be free and able to make their own choices. They gathered a group of people together and fought against the colonizers.

At first, things were really hard. The colonizers had powerful weapons and were very organized, but Charles and Jean Jacques didn't give up. They fought hard and eventually won. The colonizers left Haiti and the Haitian people were free!

Charles became a leader in Haiti and helped to build new schools, hospitals and other important things for the Haitian people. He was a hero to many and is still remembered today as someone who fought for freedom and equality.