ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Charles T. Hinde

Charles T. Hinde was a very important person a long time ago. He helped make trains and stuff move from one place to another.

You know how your toy train needs tracks to go on? Well, Mr. Hinde helped build real train tracks that were very long and went across big areas. He even helped build a train that went all the way across the United States! That's a really long way!

But that's not all. Mr. Hinde also helped make sure people had a place to sleep and eat when they traveled on the train. He built hotels and restaurants that were right next to the train tracks. That way, people could get off the train and have a place to stay and eat before they continued their journey.

So basically, Mr. Hinde was a very important person who helped make travel easier and more comfortable for people who wanted to go on a long journey.