ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Chern class

Okay kiddo, today we are going to learn about a cool thing called Chern classes.

Imagine you have a piece of paper with a big hole in it and you want to count how many times a rubber band wraps around that hole. This is similar to what mathematicians call a topological space.

Now, let's say you have some kind of object on that paper, like a ball. If you take a rubber band and wrap it around this ball, you will get a different number than if you wrapped it around the hole. This is because the ball curves and changes the shape of the rubber band.

In math, we can use the Chern classes to keep track of how much an object changes the shape of a space. We measure this by counting how many times a special type of curve (an imaginary line) wraps around the object.

So, back to the ball example. If the ball is really big and takes up most of the paper, the imaginary line will wrap around it a lot of times, giving a high Chern class. If the ball is small and doesn't change the shape of the paper much, the imaginary line will only wrap around it a few times, giving a low Chern class.

Chern classes are super useful in all kinds of math and physics, especially in studying things like shapes of particles and black holes. Pretty cool, huh?