ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Chester Cornett

Chester Cornett was a man who lived a long time ago and made things out of wood. He was really good at making chairs, tables, and other things you might find in your house. He lived in a place called Kentucky and he liked to use special tools to make his wooden items look really pretty.

Chester used to go out into the forests and find just the right trees to make his furniture. He would then cut them down and carve them into the shapes he wanted. Sometimes, he would use different colored pieces of wood and put them together like a puzzle.

The reason Chester is famous is because he didn't just make ordinary furniture. He made furniture that was so fancy and decorated, it looked like it belonged in a museum. He would even make little designs called inlays, which were like pictures made out of different colored bits of wood.

Even though Chester couldn't read or write very well, he was really smart about making things out of wood. People from all over the country came to see his beautiful furniture and some even bought pieces to put in their own homes.

Today, Chester Cornett is remembered as a skilled craftsman who was very talented at making things out of wood.