ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Chicano English

Chicano English is a way of speaking that combines English words and grammar with words and phrases from Spanish. It is mostly spoken by people who are of Mexican descent and live in the United States.

So, imagine you have a friend who speaks Spanish and English at home. When they talk to their parents and grandparents, they might use some Spanish words or say things in a different order than you're used to.

For example, instead of saying "I am going to the store," they might say "Voy a la tienda," which means the same thing in Spanish. But sometimes they might mix up the two languages and say something like "I'm going a la tienda," which means "I'm going to the store" but uses both English and Spanish in the same sentence.

That's what Chicano English is like - it's mixing English and Spanish words and grammar to create a unique style of speaking. And just like how some people might make fun of your friend for speaking a certain way, some people might make fun of Chicano English speakers too. But it's important to remember that everyone's way of speaking is valid and valuable, and we should celebrate the diversity of the languages we use.