ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Chief Baron of the Exchequer

The chief baron of the exchequer was a very important person in the olden days in England. The exchequer was like a big bank where the government kept all its money. And the chief baron was like the boss of the bank.

The chief baron had important jobs to do. One of them was to make sure that people who owed the government money paid it back on time. He would also listen to people who thought the government owed them money and try to figure out if they really did.

The chief baron was a very smart person who knew a lot about money and the law. He had to wear fancy clothes and a special wig to show that he was important. People would come from far away just to see him in court.

Although the chief baron of the exchequer doesn't have that job anymore, we still have people who look after the government's money today. They are called accountants and they do a lot of the same things the chief baron used to do.
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