ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Child psychotherapy

Child psychotherapy is when a grown-up talks with a child to help them feel better, understand their feelings, or deal with problems they have.

When a child is feeling sad, angry, or scared, they might not know how to talk about it or describe it to their parents or caregivers. A child therapist helps the child express their thoughts and feelings in a safe and comfortable way.

It’s like talking with someone who makes you feel good, like a friend or teacher, but this person is a special grown-up who knows how to help kids when they are having a hard time.

The therapist might use toys, games, or art projects to help the child express themselves. Sometimes, they might bring the child’s parents or caregivers into the session, so everyone can work together to help the child feel better.

The therapist doesn’t tell the child what to do, but instead helps the child come up with their own solutions and ideas to feel better. It’s like having a grown-up friend who listens, understands, and helps you feel better.

Going to child psychotherapy can feel scary or strange at first, but it’s a safe and helpful way to work through feelings and problems. The therapist wants to help the child feel happy, healthy, and confident in themselves.