ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Children's comics

Okay kiddo, so you know how sometimes you read books with lots of words, but sometimes you also like to look at pictures and have a story told to you in pictures? Well, that's basically what children's comics are all about!

Just like regular books have chapters, comics have panels. These panels are like little boxes with pictures inside that tell a story. Sometimes there's a speech bubble or a thought bubble, and that's where the characters in the story will speak and give you more information about what's going on.

What's really cool about comics is that the pictures can show you things that might be hard to describe with just words. If a character is really sad, they might have a little rain cloud over their head. If they're really happy, they might have a big smile on their face and their hands in the air.

There are all sorts of different kinds of children's comics too! Some are about superheroes with powers like flying or super strength. Others are about regular kids who have big adventures, like solving mysteries or traveling to faraway places. Some comics are funny and silly, while others can be more serious and touching.

Comics can be a really fun way to read and enjoy stories, and they're great for kids who might not want to read a whole book with lots of words. Plus, the pictures can help you really imagine what's happening in the story and make it even more exciting!