ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Chilean Argentine

Okay, so Chile and Argentina are two neighbors, kind of like your best friends who live next door to you. But sometimes, even best friends can argue or have a fight, right? That's what has happened with Chile and Argentina in the past.

Chile and Argentina disagreed on some things like who owns a piece of land called Patagonia. Imagine you and your friend both want to play with the same toy, but each of you thinks it belongs to them. That's kind of what happened with Chile and Argentina. They both wanted Patagonia, but neither wanted to give it up.

But despite these disagreements, Chile and Argentina have learned to work together and be good neighbors. They talk to each other and try to solve their problems in a peaceful way, just like how you and your friend would sit down and talk to each other to try to solve a disagreement.

Sometimes, they even team up to help each other out, like when there's a big earthquake or flood. They send supplies and support to help their neighbors in need.

So, in short, Chilean Argentine is the relationship between Chile and Argentina, their disagreements and conflicts, but also their ability to work together and be good neighbors.