ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Chilean manual alphabet

The Chilean manual alphabet is a way that people who cannot speak or hear very well can communicate with each other, using their hands. It's a bit like a secret code, where different hand shapes and movements stand for different letters in the alphabet.

To do the Chilean manual alphabet, you need to make certain shapes with your hand. For example, if you want to say the letter A, you would make a fist with your thumb sticking out, with your thumb pointing upwards. This looks kind of like an "A" shape.

To say the letter B, you would make a fist with your thumb tucked in, and your index finger sticking out straight. This looks kind of like a "B" shape.

You can make different shapes with your fingers and hands to represent all the other letters in the alphabet. Then, when you want to spell a word, you just make the shapes for each letter in turn.

People who can't hear or speak well often use the Chilean manual alphabet to communicate with each other. It's really helpful because it lets them express themselves and talk to each other, even if they can't use their voices. And because it's a secret code that most people don't know, it's a bit like having a special superpower!