ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


A chimney is like a straw that goes out of the top of a house or building. It helps smoke, gas and hot air escape from the house after you've cooked food or lit a fire in the fireplace. It has a tall pipe that goes up high above the roof and has bricks or stones around it to make it strong.

There is a special kind of stuff called soot that can block and stick inside the chimney, so it's important to clean it regularly, just like we clean our rooms or toys. People who live in houses with chimneys have to be careful and make sure the fire doesn't get too big or hot, or it can make the chimney catch fire, which can be very dangerous.

Chimneys are also a popular spot for birds to make their nests, so it's important to make sure the chimney has a cap on top to keep them out. Overall, a chimney is an important part of a house or building and helps keep it safe and comfortable.