ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

China–Russia relations

China and Russia are two big countries that are friends. Just like how you have friends in school, and you play and work together, China and Russia also do that. They share toys and games with each other, and even help each other when they need it.

You know how sometimes you and your friends don't agree on everything, but you still stay friends? That's how it is with China and Russia. Sometimes, they have a different way of doing things, but they still find ways to work together.

China and Russia help each other in many ways. They trade things like toys, clothes, and food. They also help each other build big things like airports, bridges, and trains. They even work together on things like exploring space!

Sometimes, other kids might try to be mean to you and your friends, and you stand up to them. China and Russia do the same thing for each other! When other countries are being mean to one of them, the other one will stand up for their friend and defend them.

Even though China and Russia are far away from each other, they are still good friends and they always find ways to help and support each other.