ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

China's salami slicing

Salami slicing is like taking a big thing and cutting it into small pieces or slices. China's salami slicing is when they take small pieces of land or territory that belong to other countries without starting a war. They do it a little bit at a time, so it's hard for anyone to notice or do anything about it.

For example, imagine a pizza that is made up of different slices. Each slice belongs to a different person. China might come and take one tiny piece of the slice without asking, and then come back later and take another tiny piece. They keep doing this until they have a whole slice for themselves.

This is not a very nice thing to do because it's not fair to the people who owned the land before. It's like going to a friend's house and taking a little toy each time you visit until you have all their toys without asking or giving them anything in return. So, it's important for countries to work together to prevent salami slicing and protect the rights of everyone involved.