ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Chinese Clan Association

Okay kiddo, so a Chinese clan association is like a big club for people who have the same family name or come from the same place in China.

Let's say your family name is Wong and your ancestors all came from the same village in China a long time ago. Your family might be part of a Wong clan association with other Wongs who came from that same village.

These clan associations do a lot of things to help people who are part of them. They might celebrate important holidays together, like Chinese New Year, and have big parties with lots of food and fun activities. They might also help people find jobs, housing, or other things they need to live happy lives.

Some clan associations even have their own buildings where people can go to learn about their family history or just hang out with other members of their clan.

So basically, a Chinese clan association is like a big family club that helps people with the same family name or background stay connected and support each other.