ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hui (secret society)

Hui is a type of secret society that is like a club or a group that do things together or share a common interest or goal. Hui often exist in countries like China because of the importance of social connections, and they are usually formed by people who share a common bond, such as being from the same village or having the same occupation.

People in Hui share a lot of things in common, such as their beliefs, customs, and interests. They often meet secretly, away from the public eye, to discuss things that they don't want outsiders to know about. They may also have special rituals, such as secret handshakes and passwords, that only members know.

In the past, Hui was often used for political purposes, as they were seen as a way to organize people and protect against external forces. Today, Hui can still exist for political purposes or just to create a strong sense of community among members.

While Hui is often seen as a positive thing, there have been cases where Hui have been involved in criminal activities or have become too powerful and caused harm to society. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the potentially negative consequences of secret societies like Hui.