ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


So, you know how sometimes when you play with your friends, you like to work together to accomplish something? Maybe you all want to build a sandcastle at the beach, and each person has their own job to do to make it happen. Like one person might scoop the sand into a bucket, and another person might make sure the bucket is filled up just right.

Well, a long, long time ago, some people in a country called China wanted to work together too. They wanted to make their country better and stronger, and they knew they couldn't do it alone. So they formed a group called Tongmenghui.

Tongmenghui was a big group with lots of people in it, kind of like a big club. They all had the same goal: to make China a better place to live, where everyone had more freedom and got treated fairly.

To make their goal happen, the Tongmenghui members did lots of things. They talked to people and convinced them to join their group, so they had even more people working together towards the same goal. They also helped each other out when things got tough. And sometimes they even did things that might not have been very comfortable or easy, like raising money or sneaking around to get things done.

Overall, the Tongmenghui group was a really important part of Chinese history. They helped bring a lot of positive changes to their country, even when it wasn't easy. And just like how your friends work together to build a sandcastle, Tongmenghui worked together to make their country better.