ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Chinese alcoholic beverages

Chinese alcoholic beverages are special drinks made from fermented grains or fruits that have been consumed in China for thousands of years. Just like how your mom makes bread by mixing flour and yeast, Chinese people make alcoholic beverages by mixing grains such as rice, wheat, or barley with yeast.

One of the most popular Chinese alcoholic beverages is called baijiu, which means "white alcohol" in Chinese. It is usually made from sorghum, a type of grain that grows in China, and has a very strong flavor - kind of like drinking fire! It's so strong that only adults are allowed to drink it.

Another popular type of Chinese alcoholic beverage is called huangjiu, which means "yellow wine." It is made from a mixture of rice, wheat, or barley, and has a sweet taste. It's like drinking juice for grown-ups!

There are also many different types of Chinese beers that are made with hops, just like western beers. However, Chinese beers often have a slightly different flavor than western beers because they use different types of hops and grains.

Overall, Chinese alcoholic beverages are an important part of Chinese culture and are often consumed during important celebrations and gatherings. However, it's important to remember that alcohol should always be consumed responsibly and only by adults.