ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Chinese ancestral religion

Alright kiddo, let's talk about Chinese ancestors and their beliefs.

Do you remember how we talked about how our family members who are no longer with us are still with us in our hearts and memories? Well, in Chinese culture, they believe something similar. They believe that their ancestors, or the people who came before them in their family, still have an important presence in their lives.

Chinese ancestral religion involves praying to and honoring their ancestors. This means they set up shrines or altars in their homes where they place pictures or items that belonged to their ancestors. They might offer incense, food, or other gifts as a way to show respect and gratitude to their ancestors for guiding and protecting them.

They also believe that their ancestors have some sort of influence over their lives and that they can help them if they are in need. Some may even seek guidance from their ancestors through fortune tellers or mediums.

Overall, Chinese ancestral religion is about showing respect and appreciation for those who came before them in their family, as they believe their ancestors still have an important place in their lives and can assist and guide them.