ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Chinese embroidery

Okay kiddo, Chinese embroidery is like drawing with thread instead of a pen or pencil. People have been doing it in China for a really long time, even thousands of years!

It all starts with a piece of fabric, like a shirt or a scarf, and a needle and thread. The needle is used to poke the thread through the fabric in a certain way, so that it creates a design or picture.

The thread that's used in Chinese embroidery is usually really thin and pretty, and it comes in all different colors. Some people even use gold or silver thread to make their embroidery extra fancy!

Chinese embroidery can be used to decorate all sorts of things, like clothing, tapestries, or even fans. Some people even hang their embroidery on the wall like a painting!

It takes a lot of skill and patience to be good at Chinese embroidery, because you have to be really careful not to poke the needle through the wrong part of the fabric, and you have to pay attention to all of the little details in your design.

But in the end, when you finish your embroidery, you'll have something really beautiful and unique that you made all by yourself!