ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Chinese nationality law

Nationality law in China decides who is considered a Chinese citizen and who is not. Essentially, this means who has the right to live, work and enjoy other benefits in China.

It's like a club where only certain people are allowed to be members.

If someone is born in China to at least one Chinese parent, then they are automatically a Chinese citizen.

If someone is born outside of China to Chinese parents, they can also be a Chinese citizen, but they have to apply to be one.

On the other hand, if someone is born in China but neither of their parents are Chinese citizens, they may not automatically be a Chinese citizen.

Additionally, people who have lived in China for a certain amount of time and have made significant contributions to China, such as in science or the economy, can also apply for citizenship.

It's important to note that according to Chinese nationality law, dual citizenship is not allowed. If someone becomes a Chinese citizen, then they are expected to renounce their previous citizenship.

Overall, Chinese nationality law is the set of rules that determine who is considered a Chinese citizen and what benefits and rights they are entitled to.