ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Chinese painting

Hi there! Chinese painting is when artists paint pictures using special brushes, ink and paper. It's like coloring, but instead of crayons or markers, they use special stuff that's made in China.

In Chinese painting, artists usually paint pictures of things that they find in nature like animals, flowers, trees, and mountains. They also paint people, buildings and other things that are important to their culture.

The special brushes they use are made from animal hairs like goat, wolf or weasel. They dip them into the ink and then use them to make lines and shapes on the paper. The paper they use is also special and is made from materials like rice or mulberry bark.

Chinese painting is very different from other kinds of painting because it focuses more on the artist's emotions and feelings rather than just showing what something looks like. This means that even if two different artists paint the same thing, their paintings might still look very different because they have different emotions and feelings about it.

Overall, Chinese painting is a beautiful and unique art form that has been enjoyed for thousands of years.