ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Imagine you're a knight on a horse, wearing shiny armor, with a sword on your hip. Chivalry is like a set of rules that knights used to follow to be good at what they do.

One of the most important things about being a knight was being a good person. That meant being kind and helpful to others, especially people who might be weaker or more vulnerable than you. For example, if you saw someone who was lost, you would help them find their way. Or if you met a lady who needed help with something, you would offer to give her a hand.

Another important thing about chivalry was being brave in battle. Knights had to fight bad guys and protect their lords and ladies. But it wasn't just about fighting well - it was also about being fair in battle. That meant not cheating, not hurting people who were already injured, and not taking things that didn't belong to you.

One other important part of chivalry was romance. Knights were expected to be good to women and treat them with respect. They were supposed to be loyal and faithful to their wives or girlfriends, and they weren't supposed to flirt with other women or do anything else that might upset them.

So, basically, chivalry is a fancy word for being a good person, being brave and fair in battle, and being respectful to the people you love. Even though we don't have knights on horses anymore, these values are still important today!