ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Chris Goodall

Okay little one, let me explain who Chris Goodall is. He is a person who writes and talks about things that help our world be less polluted and healthier for everyone.

You know how we have cars that go vroom vroom on the roads? Well, those cars often use gasoline that makes lots of bad air go into the sky, which is not good for the Earth. Chris Goodall talks about ways we can use other things to make our cars go, like electricity or even the sun!

He also talks a lot about things called "renewable energy." This means getting our power and energy from things that are natural, like the sun or the wind, instead of using things up that will run out someday, like oil. Chris Goodall thinks that if we use more renewable energy, we will be able to have all the power and energy we need without hurting the Earth.

Overall, Chris Goodall thinks a lot about how we can live better lives and take care of our planet at the same time. Pretty cool, huh?