ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Christian angelic hierarchy

Okay kiddo! So, you know how in stories, there are different characters with different jobs? Like the hero, the villain, the sidekick, and so on? Well, in Christian beliefs, they believe that there are different angels that also have different jobs and they call this the angelic hierarchy.

At the very top, there is God who is the boss of everyone. And under Him, there are nine types or ranks of angels. The first type are called Seraphim and they are very special because they are the closest to God. They have six wings and they always praise and worship God.

The second type are called Cherubim, they are also special because they are protectors of God and His throne. Their job is to make sure everything is nice and safe for God.

The third type are called Thrones, and they are just as they sound, they are like special seats for God to rest on. They help keep everything organized and keep all the other angels in check.

Then the fourth type are called Dominions, and they basically help God manage everything. They help guide and control the other angels, making sure things run smoothly.

The fifth type are called Virtues, and they are in charge of miracles and other cool things that happen on Earth. They are the ones who bring good news and help us out in tough times.

The sixth type are called Powers, and they are like police officers. They protect the people on Earth from any bad spirits or demons that might try to harm them.

The seventh type are called Principalities, they are like school principals! They watch over big things like countries, governments and other groups to make sure everything is okay.

The eighth type are called Archangels, and they are special messengers from God. They deliver important messages to people on Earth.

And finally, the ninth type are the regular angels, who we are most likely to hear about. They help protect us, guide us, and carry out God's orders.

So, that my young friend, is the Christian angelic hierarchy!