ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Church of the Ascension (New York)

The Church of the Ascension in New York is a special building where people go to pray and talk to God. It's a church that was built a very long time ago and has a lot of history and stories behind it.

The church has a big tower that you can see from far away, and when you go inside, you can see many beautiful things like colorful windows, statues of important people, and special decorations on the walls and ceilings.

People go to this church to listen to a special person called a priest, who talks about important things that God wants us to know. There are also singers who sing very nicely, and people who play music on special instruments, which helps make the church feel even more special.

At the Church of the Ascension, people also do special things called sacraments. One sacrament that happens often is called communion, where people eat special bread and drink special wine, which represents the body and blood of Jesus. Another sacrament is called baptism, where babies or adults are welcomed into the church family and their sins are forgiven.

So, the Church of the Ascension is a special place where people come to pray, talk to God, listen to important messages, sing, and do special things that help them feel closer to God.