ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cinema 1: The Movement Image

Okay, so cinema is like watching a really big movie on a really big screen with lots and lots of people. And back in the old days, when movies were just starting out, there was something called the "movement image."

The movement image was all about how things moved in the movies. So when you watch a movie, you see things moving all over the place, right? People walking, cars driving, clouds floating by. All of that movement was really important to the people who made movies back then.

But the movement image wasn't just about things moving, it was also about how those movements made you feel. So if you watch an action movie and see someone running really fast, you might feel excited or scared. And if you watch a sad movie and see someone walking really slowly, you might feel sad too.

The movement image was all about using movement to tell a story and make you feel something while you watched the movie. And even though movies have changed a lot since then, that idea of using movement to tell a story and make you feel something is still really important in movies today!