ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Circulation evaporator

Hey kiddo! Do you know what evaporator means? No? Okay.

An evaporator is a machine that can turn liquid into gas. You know how sometimes water on the road disappears when it's hot outside? That's kind of like evaporating.

Now let's talk about the word circulation. Do you know what that means? When you ride your bike in circles or walk around the same area over and over again, that's called circulating.

So a circulation evaporator is a machine that turns liquid into gas by circulating it around and around. It's kind of like when you spin a top really fast and it starts to wobble and move erratically.

The reason we use circulation evaporators is to remove water and other liquids from materials like sugar, milk, or chemicals. The liquid gets heated up and then circulates around a chamber until it turns into gas and is removed.

That's the basic idea behind circulation evaporators. Does that make sense, kiddo?