ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cisco Discovery Protocol

Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) is like when you and your friends introduce yourselves to each other. CDP is a special tool that helps Cisco devices (like routers and switches) introduce themselves to each other on a network.

When your friends meet each other for the first time, they might say things like "Hi, my name is Timmy. What's your name?" CDP works in a similar way. When two Cisco devices are connected to each other, they use CDP to exchange information like their names and what they do on the network.

What makes CDP really special is that it also helps devices learn about their neighbors' connections. Imagine if your friends said "Hi, my name is Timmy and I live on Main Street. What about you?" This would give you an idea of where Timmy lives and maybe even how to get there. CDP does the same thing for devices on a network. It tells them about their neighbors' connections, like which port they're connected to on a switch or which IP address they're using.

Overall, CDP is an important tool for making sure Cisco devices are communicating effectively and efficiently on a network.