ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

CiteSeerX (identifier)

CiteSeerX is like a big library where you can find lots of papers and articles written by really smart people. But sometimes it's hard to keep track of all those papers, and that's where the identifier comes in.

An identifier is like a special name or number that helps us remember something. Just like how we have our own name and birthday to make sure people know who we are, papers and articles have identifiers to help people find them.

CiteSeerX has its own special identifier that helps people find papers on its website. It's kind of like a secret code that only CiteSeerX knows, and it helps people quickly and easily find the papers they're looking for.

So if you ever need to find a paper on CiteSeerX, just look for the identifier and you'll be on your way to finding all sorts of interesting articles and research.