ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cities in the Great Depression

Okay kiddo, let me explain to you what happened to cities during the Great Depression. Do you know what the Great Depression was? No? Well, the Great Depression was a really tough time when the economy was really bad, and many people didn't have money or jobs.

So, during the Great Depression, many people were really struggling to make ends meet. Because of this, people who lived in cities, which are big towns with lots of people and buildings, were hit really hard. You see, people in cities relied on jobs and businesses to make money, but during the Great Depression, many people lost their jobs or their businesses closed down.

This meant that there were a lot of homeless people in the cities, and many people didn't have enough food to eat. The government tried to help by giving people jobs through programs like the New Deal, but it was still a really tough time for everyone.

As a result, lots of buildings were abandoned, and many people were forced to live in shacks made out of scrap materials. There was also a lot of crime and unrest during this time, as people struggled to survive.

So, while cities were once bustling places with lots of opportunity and growth, during the Great Depression, they became places of hardship and struggle for many people.