ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Citizens' Climate Lobby

Alright kiddo, let me tell you about Citizens' Climate Lobby (CCL).

CCL is a group of people who want to make the world a better place by taking care of the environment. They believe that we need to tackle climate change and make sure that our planet stays healthy for generations to come.

So, they work together to ask their government to put a price on carbon pollution. This means that if a company wants to pollute the air by releasing carbon dioxide, they need to pay money to the government. This money can then be used to help the environment by funding clean energy or protecting natural resources.

CCL members don't just sit around talking about it though. They take action by meeting with their leaders, writing letters or making phone calls to their lawmakers. They try to convince them that it's important to take action on climate change and they ask for their support in creating a better future.

So, basically, Citizens' Climate Lobby is a group of people who want to save the earth by asking their government to make polluters pay for the damage they're causing to the environment. They take action by talking to their leaders and asking for their support. Cool, huh?