ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

City status in Ireland

Ok, so you know how you live in a town and there are bigger towns and cities around you? In Ireland, cities are places that are bigger and more important than other towns. But being called a city isn't just about size, it's also about history and importance.

To become a city, there are some rules that need to be followed. First, the place needs to have a cathedral, which is a really big and special church. Second, the place needs to have been important for a long time, maybe because of trade or because important people lived there.

In Ireland, there are five cities: Dublin, Cork, Limerick, Galway, and Waterford. These cities have been important for a really long time, and they all have cathedrals too.

It's kind of like when you get a gold star in school for doing really well. Being a city is like getting a gold star for being really important and special!