ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Civil engineering software

Do you know what a civil engineer is? They are people who design and build things like roads, bridges, airports, and buildings. When a civil engineer wants to build something, they need to make sure it’s safe and will last a long time. That’s where civil engineering software comes in!

Civil engineering software is like a computer program that helps engineers do their work. It’s kind of like playing a game or using an app on a tablet, but instead of playing games, the engineer is designing things. The software has special tools that helps them draw pictures of the things they want to build, like a bridge or a skyscraper. The engineer can also tell the software what materials they want to use, like steel or concrete, and the software will tell them if it’s strong enough to hold up the building or bridge.

One of the most important things a civil engineer has to do is make sure the things they design are safe. They have to make sure they won’t fall apart or hurt people. That’s why the software has special features that help with safety. For example, if an engineer is designing a road that goes over a hill, they can use the software to check if the road is too steep for cars to drive on safely. The software will tell them if they need to make the road less steep, so drivers won’t get into accidents.

Using civil engineering software is like having a very helpful friend who can help with designing and checking the safety of all sorts of things that civil engineers build!