ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Civitas sine suffragio

Okay kiddo, let me explain what "civitas sine suffragio" means.

"Civitas" is a Latin word that means "citizenship" or "city." And "sine suffragio" means "without the right to vote." So when we put them together, "civitas sine suffragio" means "citizenship without the right to vote."

Now, voting is something that usually happens when people are choosing who will make decisions for them. For example, when grown-ups vote in elections, they get to choose who will be their leaders, like the president or their local mayor. But "civitas sine suffragio" was a situation that happened a long time ago when some people were given citizenship in a place, but they weren't allowed to vote.

This happened a lot in ancient Rome. In Rome, there were some groups of people who were given citizenship, but they weren't allowed to vote, just like how kids like you aren't allowed to vote because you're not old enough yet. These people who had "civitas sine suffragio" still had some rights, but they weren't able to help make decisions for their community like other citizens could.

So, "civitas sine suffragio" basically means being a citizen, but not being able to vote.
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