ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Clarence Max Fowler

Clarence Max Fowler is a person, kinda like you and me! He was born a long time ago and grew up in a different time than we did. He was born in Texas in 1920 and he did a lot of things with his life. He was really good at math and science, and he liked to learn about how things worked.

One of the things that Clarence Max Fowler was really interested in was airplanes. He thought they were so cool and wanted to learn how to make them fly better. So, he went to school and studied engineering - that's where you learn how to make things better and solve problems.

After he finished school, he got a job working on airplanes for the military. This was during World War II, which was a big war that happened long ago. Clarence Max Fowler worked really hard and came up with some new ideas that made the airplanes better and safer.

But he didn't just stop there! Clarence Max Fowler went on to work on other things, like cars and machines. He even came up with something called an "air cushion vehicle" that could float on air and go really fast! It was like a really cool boat, but it didn't need water to move.

So, that's a bit about Clarence Max Fowler. He was a smart man who worked on making things better and safer. Maybe someday you'll grow up to be like him too!