Okay kiddo, let me break down what a clarion workshop is for you. Clarion is actually a special kind of writing workshop for people who want to become better writers of science fiction and fantasy stories.
During the workshop, a group of writers spend six weeks together reading and critiquing each other's writing. They also get to learn from different professional authors who come and teach them how to write better stories.
Each week, the workshop focuses on a different topic like creating believable characters, developing a strong plot, or crafting a great ending to a story. The writers then get to practice what they have learned by writing their own stories and sharing them with the group for feedback and critique.
It's like going to school, but instead of learning math and science, you get to learn how to write amazing stories that transport readers to different worlds and times!
The workshop is a lot of hard work, but it's also a lot of fun. The writers get to make new friends and together they form a supportive community that helps each other grow and improve their writing skills.
So there you have it, little one. A clarion workshop is like a special kind of school where writers go to learn how to write really cool science fiction and fantasy stories.