ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Clark Pinnock

Clark Pinnock was a man who liked to think a lot about God and how we can know Him. He was a teacher and writer who wrote lots of books and articles about Christian beliefs.

One of the things that Clark Pinnock thought about was something called "inerrancy." This is a big word that means "without error." Some people believe that everything in the Bible is completely true and without any mistakes, but Clark Pinnock believed that it's okay if there are some mistakes or things that aren't completely clear because the Bible was written by humans who were trying to understand God in their own way.

Clark Pinnock also believed that we shouldn't be mean to people who believe differently than us. He thought that we should listen to what other people think and try to understand their point of view, even if we don't agree with them.

Overall, Clark Pinnock was a smart man who thought carefully about God and what it means to follow Him.