ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Class (knowledge representation)

Okay kiddo, imagine you have a lot of different toys in your room. You have some stuffed animals, some dolls, some cars, and even some blocks to build with. Now, let's say you wanted to organize your toys into groups based on what they are. You might put all the stuffed animals in one group, all the dolls in another group, all the cars in another group, and all the blocks in another group.

This is kind of like what a class is in computer programming. A class is a way to organize information or data based on what it is. Instead of toys, though, we can use something called "objects". An object is a piece of information that has certain characteristics or properties.

Let's say we wanted to create a class called "Animal". This class would represent any type of animal we wanted to include. We could give this class certain properties, like "name", "species", and "age". Then, we could create different objects within this class that fit these properties. For example, we could create an object called "Fluffy", who is a dog. Fluffy's properties might be: name = "Fluffy", species = "Dog", age = 3.

So, in summary, a class is a way for a computer program to organize information or data based on what it is. It's kind of like how you organize your toys based on what they are. And just like how you can have many different types of toys, you can have many different classes in a computer program, each representing a different type of information.