ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Classes of computers

Computers are machines that can perform tasks very quickly and efficiently. They are designed to work for different purposes and come in different shapes and sizes. We can classify them into different classes based on their capabilities and usage.

1. Personal Computers (PCs):

A personal computer is a small-sized computer that is used by individuals for their personal or office work. These computers are designed to be used by a single user at a time, and they come in different forms - desktops, laptops or tablets. They are generally used for basic tasks like web browsing, word processing, and email.

2. Workstations:

A workstation is a more powerful computer that is typically used in engineering and design applications. They are designed to handle complex tasks like 3D modeling, CAD/CAM design, and animation. Workstations have a faster processor, more storage and memory and better graphics compared to PCs.

3. Servers:

Servers are very powerful computers that handle large amounts of data and provide services to other computers connected to them. They are designed to store, manage, and process data across a network of computers. Servers come in different types like web servers, file servers, application servers, and database servers.

4. Supercomputers:

Supercomputers are the most powerful computers available that are used for complex scientific computations, simulations, and data analysis. They have a massive amount of processing power and are used for tasks like predicting weather patterns, modeling complex molecules, and creating simulations.

In summary, the classes of computers are personal computers for basic tasks, workstations for complex engineering and design tasks, servers for managing data across a network, and supercomputers for complex scientific computations and simulations.